Tuesday 23 February 2016

5 traits of a true friend

Some friendships last for years whereas some tend to fizzle out briefly. With genuinity and compassion getting rarer these days, most friendships end up being short lived. 

Here are a few reminders on being a real and true friend, which we do know of, but tend to forget.

1) Stop the over flattery
Be honest -- if you don't like something, be open about it. Yes, there will be arguments and you might even lose out on a friend; but believe me, a friend with whom u can speak up is any day better than someone who needs to be pleased often. 

2) Space out
The biggest killer in a friendship is lack of space and privacy. Yes he/she is your friend, but no, that does not mean they cannot mingle with others or pursue their own interests. The moment you set tabs, u start suffocating the relation.

3) Listen
Whether their issues are major or minor, or whether you can do something or not, be a listener for a change. You never know, just by hearing them out, you are helping them rationalise and solve their problems.

4) Make an effort
Not all things should be seen as being with or without benefit. Do something out of the blue -- plan stuff together, learn new things together and so on. Be someone who is constructive and helps your friend develop positively. This way, you will look forward to spending more time with each other.

5) Never misuse
Sometimes, people take a friend for granted and end up taking undue advantage of them. Beware of this -- not only will you lose out on a special friend, you will also end up having a tough time making new ones.

I must add here that I am no expert in relationships, nor do I hold a degree in relations. These are just tiny day to day life's lessons learnt. We need genuine and caring people around, and for that, we must imbibe those qualities in ourselves first. Hats off to all our friends within the family or outside, who stand by us despite our shortcomings! Happy reading :)

Tuesday 12 January 2016

5 ways I am going to be the change I want to be: New Beginnings

2016 had started pretty rough for me. A lot of things came up together and I was on the verge of a breakdown. That was when I decided that I had enough! I would not give in to negativity and would not let myself be governed by depression. Out with all that and in with a fresh new beginning!

I have decided to stop complaining and start making use of what I have to the max and here's 5 ways how I am going to make my 2016 better and more productive!

1) Get fit: Being women, especially married and mothers, we tend to just give and give tirelessly. While there is not harm in that, we end up being drained. With time I have come to a realisation that you cannot pour out of an empty cup -- so I have decided to get physically fitter and stronger to become a happier and more controlled me!

2)Join an NGO: Nowadays we have become very self obsessed. Our worries and stresses are top on the list. Joining such places and making a difference in someone's life will definitely make me more empathic and thankful.

3) Spend more on my kids: Not out of my pocket, but out of my time and patience. I am sure this way we will make an even stronger bond and a happier home!

4) Start a means of income: However small, a bit of self reliance goes a long way in terms of confidence and self esteem.

5)Learn at least 3 new tasks/skills: We tend to forget our ability to develop as individual identities in the cocoon of a married life. But why? It is never too late to learn anything!!

I must mention here that I do not have any such life experiences that are tragic or inspirational. I am just a common person who has her set of everyday struggles like most of you. This may not be recognizable enough, but we all have our own battles. Just hang in there. This is what life is about, There will be ups and downs but it's never too late to start afresh. So all the best my fellow readers -- sail your tides with flying colors!

Sunday 6 December 2015

5 things to do when you wake up today

If you smile, everyone around smiles with you. And when you see them smiling you will feel good even though you did not know why you smiled in the first place ;P

2)Drink water
Drink plenty of water. Water not only has so many health benefits, 2 to 3 glasses in the morning will definitely ensure frequent trips to the bathroom, and in the process you will become fresher and fresher :)

Exercising activates the body just as an early morning look at your phone activates your eyes and brain. :)

Obviously you wouldn't want to go out with an after-exercise fragrance :D

5) Eat a healthy breakfast:
Include sources of essential vitamins and minerals, so that you are sharp, alert and able to tackle any incidental fools that can ruin your day :)

So go ahead and have an incredible morning!!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

5 things to do before you sleep tonight

forgive :
let go of the grudge and forgive everybody

on how you spent the day, the goods and bads

for the next day. planning ahead will always lead to more productivity

u have all the right to do so no matter how bad the day went

read a prayer: 
no matter what your religion, it will help soothe and comfort you

sleep well all of you :)

5 things only a MOM can do


1) Packs your school lunch..dresses you up..yells a bit...stuffs you breakfast...checks your homework..yells some more...and makes you reach school...all within a span of 15 minutes!

2) Stays up all night doing the school project you were supposed to do just so that you can show off in class.

3) Makes you wear the most atrocious outfit and claims you look outstanding!

4) Makes sure all your friends know how you used to cry watching snow white 'die' after being posioned :l

5) Shows off in front of all her friends when you get a certificate, as though you won the Olympics!

Love you mom..sigh.. :):)