Tuesday 23 February 2016

5 traits of a true friend

Some friendships last for years whereas some tend to fizzle out briefly. With genuinity and compassion getting rarer these days, most friendships end up being short lived. 

Here are a few reminders on being a real and true friend, which we do know of, but tend to forget.

1) Stop the over flattery
Be honest -- if you don't like something, be open about it. Yes, there will be arguments and you might even lose out on a friend; but believe me, a friend with whom u can speak up is any day better than someone who needs to be pleased often. 

2) Space out
The biggest killer in a friendship is lack of space and privacy. Yes he/she is your friend, but no, that does not mean they cannot mingle with others or pursue their own interests. The moment you set tabs, u start suffocating the relation.

3) Listen
Whether their issues are major or minor, or whether you can do something or not, be a listener for a change. You never know, just by hearing them out, you are helping them rationalise and solve their problems.

4) Make an effort
Not all things should be seen as being with or without benefit. Do something out of the blue -- plan stuff together, learn new things together and so on. Be someone who is constructive and helps your friend develop positively. This way, you will look forward to spending more time with each other.

5) Never misuse
Sometimes, people take a friend for granted and end up taking undue advantage of them. Beware of this -- not only will you lose out on a special friend, you will also end up having a tough time making new ones.

I must add here that I am no expert in relationships, nor do I hold a degree in relations. These are just tiny day to day life's lessons learnt. We need genuine and caring people around, and for that, we must imbibe those qualities in ourselves first. Hats off to all our friends within the family or outside, who stand by us despite our shortcomings! Happy reading :)


  1. Thanks for posting these tips. This tips could revive any relationship. ��

  2. So true! I am sure your friends are really lucky to have you as their friend. You truly understand the real meaning of friendship.

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  3. Thank you for the reminders. May our friendships be truly genuine and benefit us in both worlds.

  4. Asalamoalikum Hina, thanks for these friendship essentials.
    A true friend is a BLESSING.

  5. Really important qualities to have, it's so important to choose good friends.

  6. So true.....I am sure your friends are lucky. ;)

  7. Beautiful reminder! I saw the closing of a friendship, that I absolutely thought would stand the test of time, recently. I often try to express to my children that quality should proceed quanitity in regards to friends. There are really no guarentees to the longevity of friendship. However, we can absolutely learn and be enriched by them.

  8. Love all your 5 points! True friends are irreplaceable :)

  9. All 5 points are very good and will help build a friendship! Thanks for sharing
